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How to Navigate Holiday Shopping in 2020

By Colin Dodds

  • UPDATED December 02
  • |

Let’s face it: This holiday season will highlight many of the changes that the pandemic has wrought. While celebrations will be different, it’s likely that the holiday shopping season—and how shoppers approach it—will be completely transformed.

In an ordinary year, Black Friday is a great time to find deals. But lining up for door-buster sales during a pandemic? No thanks. That leaves online shopping, where you can find terrific offers in a socially distanced way. But shopping online comes with its own challenges, such as spending more than you intended.

So before you start loading up your online shopping cart, here are some things to keep in mind.

Ask How Your Finances Have Changed
In the two months after the COVID-19 pandemic exploded in the United States, more than 22 million people lost their jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. And while many have found new employment, those new jobs often came with a pay cut.

Whether you were one of these people or not, your budget and financial priorities may have shifted as the events of 2020 have unfolded. Like many Americans, you may have made savings more of a priority during the pandemic. Regardless, you should think carefully about how your budget has changed, then set aside a fixed amount of money to spend on your holiday shopping.

Businesses May Be Going All In
After a hard year for many retailers, some businesses may be looking to the holidays as the moment to turn things around. Some may be starting their holiday sales well before Thanksgiving or offering better deals than during a typical holiday season. If you have your eye on a particular brand, store or item, start checking in on them now. Check their websites or Twitter and other social media channels where they’re active.

Have a Plan and Stick to It
Go into online shopping with a plan—and a budget. Have a list and check it twice. It can pay to step away from the screen before any unplanned purchase, no matter how big or small. Ask yourself how it fits into your budget and your overall holiday shopping plan. 

Watch for Special Policies and Surcharges
One side effect of the pandemic is that people are having more purchases delivered. The holidays will only accelerate this trend; some estimates predict deliveries to shoot up as much as 67%. In other words, expect delays. Start shopping earlier in the season or have a seller ship your package directly to the recipient.

You may also have to pay more for expedited shipping. Always keep an eye out for shipping and handling costs, along with taxes and other fees. Carefully check the amount you agree to pay at checkout and make sure it isn’t more than your budget can take. 

Protect Yourself
With so many people shopping online, there are bound to be nefarious actors targeting them. Here are some rules of thumb to help you stay safe:

●    Don’t click on pop-up ads or links in emails—even if they look legitimate.
●    Be wary of shopping on new sites.
●    Use a credit card instead of a debit card.
●    Avoid online shopping over public, unsecured networks.
●    Be suspicious of any “free” offers.
●    Use different passwords for different sites.
●    Keep a close eye on your accounts for unauthorized activities.
Make It Fun
In the end, holiday shopping is about bringing joy to the people in your life. That can be easy to forget when you’re experiencing this annual tradition alone, in front of a computer, with so much else on your mind. So make a plan, set a budget, whip up a cup of cocoa and think of the people who matter to you. Then start shopping!

Colin Dodds has written for preeminent media and financial companies. He is the author of several acclaimed books, including Ms. Never and Watershed. He lives in New York City with his wife and children.    

For more shopping tips, here’s how to spend wisely on holiday decor.